Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

Skip/ Clear / Order of App Workouts.

Right now, members only see 14 of the workouts their coach has assigned to them at any given time, oldest one is first. So, until they do the oldest workout sent to them, they will not see new one’s sent to them.

  1. Have the newest workouts sent push down the older workouts. Better understanding. The Bodybuilding/workout program is in his queue, from oldest to newest. This should be reversed. This is the BEST option. We post on FB the workout of the week and tell everyone to go to their Anytime Fitness Workout app. Since we send weekly general workouts they will not see the newest workout sent to them. :)

  2. Having a "skip" button to quickly clear the workout from their queue without having to complete it.

  3. A delete all button

We send general weekly workout to all members. This helps to sell Training down the road. So, if they skip a workout every other week, they still will have to go through a lot of workout quickly to get the newest workout one sent to them. We have a lot of participation by sending general workouts weekly via the app. If they sign up for training, they get specific workouts sent to them.


  • Guest
  • May 10 2021
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