Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

All coaches should be able to see saved workouts to a member

Only the coach assigned to a member, can see the workouts that were saved to the member. This becomes problematic when…

  1. If my coach is out for the day due to illness, I will fill in for them during Small Group Training sessions. To see what the coach had assigned; I must assign the member to myself first. Then I must reassign the member back to my coach after the session is fulfilled. What a hassle.

  2. When I have a coach leave, all those saved workouts to members will disappear unless I reassign the coach to myself before the coach is deleted from the system. This wouldn't be a big deal except members might not take change well so I want to ease our members into the coaching reassignment but that isn't possible when they get notified that their coach changed when the reassignment takes place.

  • Guest
  • Apr 3 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files