Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
Right now if I build out a plan for the client, and then they finish those workouts, I go in and add new workouts to their plan. But these workouts are not automatically added to their queue in the AF app. If I add workouts to a plan that is assigned to a client, these workouts should automatically be added to their queue instead of me adding them to the plan and then also having to go in and assign each individual workout one at a time to that client as well. It just creates extra steps and less cohesion -- if the plan is assigned to a client, any updates to that plan should also appear to the client automatically in order to reduce steps and time.
Heather -
What you are describing is how the Builder and App should work, it sounds like that is not the case so this would be a bug where you need to submit a support ticket. Thank you!