Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
By selecting a coach to a member on club hub, the coaching beta client/member list only shows the clients that the coaches have.
With live home workouts, all the coaches are working double time physically to provide the at home workout experience. Physically we are getting stronger. That is great! In turn our clients have access to train with all the coaches in both of our clubs. Since right now the coaching beta only allows me to contact my clients that I assigned myself to as their coach, I can not do live workouts with clients that are not assigned to me or with clients at the other club location that we coach.
Is there a way to have the coaching beta to give access to all the training clients and members? Also, for the coaching beta to be able to switch clubs and connect with members/clients from another club that work together?
This is what I would like to be able to do. Have access to the list of all the members and clients from our Addison location and have access to all the members/clients from our Arlington Heights location (file attached as example).
This way, I can set up the group that will do the live workout from Addison and Arlington Heights easier on the dashboard coaching beta. Once I have my group of clients from Addison and Arlington Heights location, I should be able to send the request to my group from both clubs, to connect and do the live workout.
By the client using the dashboard live feature, would that check in their workout as complete as well?
Alex Hernandez
Yes! We would like to switch to coach dashboard to run virtual trainings, but we will continue to use Zoom until this feature is implemented.
Thank you for this suggestion. We are investigating this further and the technology changes that could allow this to happen.