Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
When using the old Anytime Fitness app I was able to reach out/ hear back from training clients or members I’m assigned to. It was convenient for me to communicate with clients even when I’m away from work; now the updated app has no way for me to hear from clients wothout logging in to Coaching DB. We promote that everyone gets a Coach and you have access 24/7, but now I can’t get messages with the convenience of replying via my app on my phone.
Thanks for submitting this idea! We agree and this feature is currently is in development. The feature will allow a Coach to get notifications when a Member messages from the new AF App.
Agreed. Speaking for 13 locations of coaches, if we want to give feedback promptly to clients we cannot do that without app to app communication.