Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
Instead of having to build a warmup & cooldown for each individual workout & drag each individual piece of the warmup into each individual workout, what if we could build a "warmup" template or "cooldown" template & then drag that template (and all the pieces included in it) over to a workout?
Likewise if we have favorite circuits or super sets, if we could search & then drag that entire circuit or super set into the workout instead of having to search & drag each individual piece of it.
Not sure if I'm communicating this effectively, but basically the ability to click & drag "clusters" of things into a new workout instead of having to find each individual movement.
Heather - Thank you for your idea submission. This seems like a great idea to save you time. We will explore this and in the meantime please use the tagging feature to quickly and easily find your most commonly used exercises.