Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
Duplication of work when creating workouts.
When programming workouts I find myself reusing common movement patterns and routines based upon the intended training stimulus.
Being able combine the movements into reusable groups for use in different workouts of the same plan would be a more efficient means to build them.
i.e. You could create two different workouts as follows:
Workout #1 |
Workout #2 |
warmup movements |
warmup movements |
strength based vertical push movements |
strength based vertical push movements |
VO2MAX movements |
steady state cardio movements |
cooldown movements |
cooldown movements |
Instead of having to include each different exercise in the workout you could reuse the different workout groups to create different workouts.
The efficiency gains are only amplified if you take into account having to re-add the progressions and regressions for each movement.
Being able to have some structured means of automatically generating new workouts given a set of workout groups for a given client would also be helpful.
Attempted Work Arounds:
I've considered having a warm up workout, strength workout, cardio workout, cooldown workout and assigning them on the same day. Which complicates assigning a plan to a client and moreso isn't the experience that someone paying extra for personalized workout programming should expect.
Hey Jack! I also thought of you when I made the post 😂😂😂 glad we could get a win! Thanks for being patient! Keep the awesome ideas coming!
I just saw the coaching dashboard has workout segments and remembered this post. I'm looking forward to trying out workout segments. 💪