Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

AFT Builder

Id love AYOP/EMOM/AFAP/ and I know I'm missing more options being added to AFT Builder.

Moving away from notes and having limited characters means I need more wizardry in the tools.

Also look how cool it is to use Bold, Italics, Underline. Please work that in as well. It could make our descriptions more systematic.

If I can use:

  • bullets

  • COLOR- HIGHLIGHT(consideration for those who print, maybe only use yellow, green, and red as options. )

  1. Numbers

  2. Thanks in advance!

  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files