Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

Grid View for Workouts Outside of Training

Goal: Increase Coach Adoption of the CDB Via improved Workout/Plan export. Make the Exporting of PDF workouts more user friendly. Currently if I choose to export a custom workout, it does not come out looking anything like it should for a coach to successfully use from font sizing to an 9-13 page PDF.

I can even copy a Team/SGT/1:1 directly from the Training tab and the moment I click on it in Builder for export(without modifying), it no longer exports how it would have from the training tab in Grid View.

Give us Grid View! :)

  • Guest
  • Mar 27 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Teresa Gibbs commented
    05 Apr 18:19

    YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! I've been asking for this for well over a year! Printing workouts from the CD needs some attention.

  • Guest commented
    29 Mar 13:20

    We currently have two clients in our gym who cannot download the AF App for reasons outside of our/their control. One of them has a phone that's "too outdated" and doesn't have the memory (and he's not going to rush out & get a new phone just to download our app!) and one has been locked out of her apple account and they aren't helping her get back in.

    These clients cannot access the workouts the coaches need to send them, and without the grid view their custom workouts look totally outrageous printed out.

    Being able to print custom workouts in grid view would make it easier for the coach to walk these clients through their workouts and give them something they can take with them in the gym -- one or two pages, not a small booklet!