Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

Re-create exercise library names with correct form in the videos.

1) I would like more specificity with the exercise naming conventions. There is no reason that I shouldn't be able to type "preacher curl" or "pinwheel curl" and not be able to find it. Instead, you have to search for a general "BICEP CURL" and look through countless thumbnails of numerous variations of curls with poorly executed form and all under ONE umbrella name.

2) My client pointed out to me that he had been doing 1/4 squats because the Barbell Back Squat video (again, only titled "squat") has the demonstrator only doing quarter reps instead of reps with a full ROM.
Looking through more videos, I noticed ALL SORTS of incorrect demonstrations.

3) Where is the "Shrug" exercise? This is a pretty basic movement, why isn't it in the library? There is only "Deadlift Shrug".

4) Why is creating your OWN exercises such a hassle? You have to upload a 20mb clip which is super small and often times requires you to upload to Youtube or convert/compress your clip to a much smaller size. This typically makes the quality of the video pretty bad.

YouTube video integration. If uploading a video is such a hassle, then surely I can just link a video that I have already made and have it integrate, right? WRONG! No such feature is possible.

All in all, this platform feels very primitive and lacks MANY features that other software like Trainerize or Train Heroic offer. How can we be the best if we can't even keep up with the inexpensive private softwares?

Food for thought.

Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk :)

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  • Nov 16 2023
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    AF Ops commented
    November 28, 2023 17:13

    Sage - Thank you for the idea and great examples (although if you could add these as separate ideas in the future it helps us to track)! We continue to make search refinements to improve your efficiency. The exercise names likely will not change due to global translation needs. We can look at exercise file size limits and how that translates to the AF App and if theres is an opportunity to increase!

  • Guest commented
    November 21, 2023 18:27

    I totally agree. This is not a very stream lined app. Very difficult to to find basic exercises. Thy have wrong names and bad technique. A trainer/coach should be able to go into the app and make even the most detailed adjustments with in seconds