Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
I think it would be cool if there was a place we could upload plans that trainers from other gyms could access them. We could search plans for clients with specific movement patterns or goals and find things other trainers have done & uploaded. It could work functionally similar to how we can currently share plans between trainers within the same club -- it's optional to put your plans on the exchange; with an in-depth tagging & search system this could really open up a lot of interesting things for trainers & for our clients.
IE: if I have a client who wants to go to military MEPS, I could run a search for programs other trainers have done that fit that. Or if a client wants to train for a Spartan race, I could see how other trainers have prepped their clients for that.
Even if we didn't have a way to save the plans, it would be great just to look and see what other trainers are doing.
(This came to mind because I have a potential client with some interest in bodybuilding, and I have more experience with powerlifting personally & would love to be able to search bodybuilding plans or connect with a coach who has written bodybuilding plans)
Heather - This is a great idea!! What we would love if for coaches to send already created workouts (can save as a PDF) to the email and we can create and display in the AF Plans.