Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
My trainers and I use the Anytime Workout app on our tablets when we are training our clients both in club and to send them workouts to complete on their own. We program and prepare workouts in advance and then when the client arrives for their scheduled session we start the clients workout for the day on the workout app on our tablets and record as we go weights, reps, and any modifications can made in the notes for that particular exercise. Utilizing the workout app like this has kept myself and my trainers organized and professional when training clients. The coaching dashboard does not allow for this therefore I cannot find a benefit for us to switch over to utilizing it at this time for our personal training clients.
Do you have a timeline in mind when this feature will be available?
And does that mean the Workouts App will disappear one day?
This is a must! Only way for us to be able to fully transition!
I agree. Other software options I've paid to use allow coach/ client tracking. I feel during a session my client shouldn't have to track, I should for them, and also if i call an audible, I then have the ability to reflect that live time.
Rachel, thank you for your idea submission. The Anytime Fitness App will have the capability for the clients to record weights/reps/rest etc. for workouts sent via the Coaching Dashboard by the end of the year. At this time it will be best to switch over to using the Coaching Dashboard exclusively as the Workouts app will no longer be supported.