Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?
If so, tell us about it!
We have the app to create workouts and communicate with clients. If sending them a workout through the app and they complete it ; there is no way for the trainer to view the comments from the client. It would be helpful to track the clients so you are able to properly progress them or make adjustments.
what about ways for the clients to track their weights with in the workout for when they go back and do them again? Also, when are they going to be able to re-open a workout that they've already completed so we don't have to go back and keep reassigning old workouts? this was one of the BEST features of the "workouts" app - client could track progress by entering weights for specific exercises and when that exercise would appear in another workout they would be able to reference what weight they used last time...
Thank you. We would recommend the client provide comments to you through the AFA chat feature.