Coaching Dashboard & Anytime Fitness App Ideas

Do you have an idea to make the Coaching Dashboard or the Anytime Fitness app better?

If so, tell us about it!

new messages should go to the top of your client list.

If i get a message from a client i will only know after scrolling through my entire client list. This is perticularly a problem for clients who are in the middle of my list, but honestly for all. I should know if some one is trying to reach me. Considering having clients avoid the app messaging it is not useful if they can not reach their coach in time for their issues to be solved.

  • Guest
  • Dec 28 2022
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    AF Ops commented
    April 03, 2023 18:06

    Jeremy - Hi! This sounds like a bug that has been resolved. If you are still experiencing this issue, please submit a support ticket. Thank you!